Tag: Yokohama Tire
Team Parts Shop MAX at FDIRW with a few words from Matt Field
What an end & Final Fight at “House of Drift”! By Yokohama Tire
With the 2015 Formula Drift season complete, we saw throughout this year some amazing performance all across the board with all Yokohama Tire sponsored drivers in 3, yes, 3 different countries! With the FD season taking place in USA & the World Championships being held in Canada & Japan, the world witnessed some of the best drift battles, ADVAN AD08R tires in action and of course,Team Yokohama taking home some awards.
Continue reading What an end & Final Fight at “House of Drift”! By Yokohama Tire
Yokohama Formula Drift Texas 2015
Moments In Time: Formula Drift Texas by Larry Chen
You Speedhunters out there can get a pretty good idea of what actually happened at Formula Drift Texas from watching the live stream, or afterwards on demand. However, there is only so much you can experience unless you’re actually there on the ground. Here are 50 moments in time that I captured from the ‘One More Time Fest’ in Texas.
Above: Due to the 10 OMT battles, Formula Drift Texas had the longest Top 16 in the history of the series. Although it did provide for some epic battles, including Ken Gushi chasing down ‘Fast Kenny’ Moen.

Tandem donuts never looked so good. Fredric told me he thinks the drivers have grown up a bit as they have stopped doing so many donuts during the Top 16 introductions. The reason? They want to save their cars for the competition.
Continue reading Moments In Time: Formula Drift Texas by Larry Chen